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Hailongtun - Lost Kingdom


Location/Longyan Mountain in Hailonggu village of Gaopin town


平播之役-明萬曆三大戰役中最慘烈的一戰,在這繁華數百年的貴州之巔,看楊氏一族的悲歡離合,探天險無雙的關隘城壘,跟著明、播兩軍的浴血交戰,觀眾仿佛也投入生死交關的攻防之中。 大人先生團隊負責企劃數位多媒體舞台劇場,從軟硬體配置、大戲劇情、視覺美術、場景佈置陳設到數位影像內容製作。



Hai Long Tun was listed as a world culture heritage in 2015. It was established in 1257 during the Southern Song Dynasty. It served as the castle of the Bozhou Tusi  Yang family from the Southern Song to the Ming Dynasty. In 1600, Ming started the Pingbo War with all efforts. 17 thousand soldiers were lead by Yinglong Yang and fought for 114 days in Hailongtun. The ming army defeated the rebel Tusi army, the castle was burned down and the last chieftain Yang Yinglong commited suicide. Paracosm team planning for digital and multimedia theater, from software and hardware configuration, story plot, visual art, stage setting to digital image content production. Paracosm team combines the immersive theater concept with a green screen shot and a full CG scene. Presented up to 7 meters with the total length of more than 45 meters through three giant projections mapping. Leading audiences through the real experience of Hailongtun and the thrilling battle which took place more than 400 years ago.

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