徐福治 x 王詠倫 視覺影像互動聯展
Location/Longyan Mountain in Hailonggu village of Gaopin town
古色古香的台南古蹟,碰上了新媒體藝術,會迸發出什麼樣的火花? 大人先生與台南出身的藝術家-王詠倫合作,將電容式觸控技術應用在藝術家創作的台南古蹟插畫上,當民眾觸摸牆上的畫作,觸發了預設的動畫,使得靜止的插畫動了起來。 讓平常只能「看」的插畫畫作,讓觀眾透過觸摸來體驗,增添觀賞趣味。
This exhibition highlights characteristics of various monuments and landmarks of Tainan through new media art. Paracosm cooperated with Lens Wang, an artist who is from Tainan, in conducting this exhibition, we provide technical support, utilizing the capacitive touch technique to the illustration paintings of monuments in Tainan. When audiences touched the paintings on the wall, the default animations would be triggered, and mapped on the static paintings, made the paintings alive. Enables the paintings not only be “seen” , but also be “touched.”