Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains
Location/National Palace Museum
將元代畫家—黃公望的《富春山居圖》,以現代3D方式製作,製造四季變化。 再利用互動技術,使觀眾能用聲音跟畫中人物互動,重現黃公望當時創作的場景。
More than 600 years ago, Huang Gongwang sketched the forms of Fuchun scenery to depict the lyrical realm of the ideal landscape in his mind. Many generations of painters have since strived to duplicate his accomplishment using the process of traditional brush and ink to capture the mood of Huang Gongwang's landscape. This exhibit is a dialogue between the contemporary artist Lin Jiun-Ting and Huang Gongwang where Lin calls upon a collection of contemporary visual digital 3D animation images and conventional photographs from the last century to piece together a cultural landscape simultaneously creating another vision of "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains." Summoning the digital visual experiences of contemporary times, the inherent classical recollections and cultural experiences within can be revealed . Audiences virtually enter the landscape while viewing the painting displayed on the floor and viewing it on the wall alongside. Employing techniques of new media art forms, digital audiovisual elements link with the classical ideas of the original painting, forming a new aesthetic experience of interaction with the work while viewing it. In this novel approach, audiences make new connections with the work.