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數位故宮 童趣音樂盒

Digi Musée – Holographic Music Box


Location/Tianjin Teda Summer Art Festival


選出6生肖設計成造型可愛的公仔,透過全息投影,讓公仔投射在特製的玻璃盒內,好像是浮在空中的實體物件。 並配合與音樂盒互動,當音樂盒上發條後,音樂盒內的腳色玩偶會隨音樂動起來,當音樂盒發條漸緩,音樂盒內角色玩偶的動作會隨著音樂播放速度慢下來。


Holographic Music Box is a holographic display platform with three viewing angles. Through the glass, the viewer watches characters of the Chinese zodiac dancing around a pole which is set in the center. The overlaid colorful characters surrounding the center pole heighten the perspective projecting an illusion as if they are floating in air.  As the music plays, the characters start to dance, and as the tempo changes, the dancing characters also change their pace.

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