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神會乾隆宴  九九大慶

Qianlong’s Party – The Grand Opera


Location/Songshan Cultural Park Warehouse 2&3


乾隆皇喜於看戲,每逢他的萬壽盛典,京城內外皆會搭台唱戲,規模盛大熱鬧非凡,紫禁宮中暢音閣亦會唱戲多日為之慶賀。 大人先生團隊以”為乾隆皇祝壽”為概念做策劃設計,從內容提案、拍攝到視覺影像製作,有別於以往暢音閣中所演出的傳統曲目,隨著齊天大聖及乾隆皇來場穿越古今的精采大戲, 以奇幻趣味的手法一窺乾隆的藝術生活。 更利用三面投影加上光雕技術,將傳統戲曲與新媒體創意結合,帶給觀眾精采絢目的感官享受。


Starting with writing the story and progressing through visual design, filming and post-production, Paracosm LLC created “Dedicate the Opera to Qianlong for His Birthday” to present an adapted play based on traditional Chinese opera. Emperor Qianlong was fascinated by Kunqu Opera. He loved it so much that on his birthday, all his courtiers and maids would plan tremendous parties and perform exclusive operas several days for the celebration. This exhibit simulates one such celebration. It is a story of how The Monkey King and Emperor Qianlong travel through the ancient and modern world to give audiences a glimpse of Emperor Qianlong’s personality and fantastic art collection. Combining the traditional Chinese opera and contemporary new media art with projection mapping we form a spectacular visual experience to the audience.

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