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數位故宮 水墨池

Digi Musée – Ink Pool


Location/Tianjin Teda Summer Art Festival


運用投影與即時互動技術,感測現場參觀民眾動態。 隨著參觀民眾的腳步,地板的池底畫面產生陣陣漣漪,當民眾靜止時,魚群會聚集到民眾腳邊;當民眾開始走動時,魚群會避開民眾的步伐,十足增加參觀趣味。


Ink pool is a vivid floor projection of a pond with carp, which in ancient Oriental culture represent power and wealth, swimming in it. Using infrared camera to detect movement, the audience is encouraged to walk over the display. Ripples form as the audience “wades” through the pool as the carp swim around their feet.

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