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數位故宮 百駿圖

Digi Musée – One Hundred Stallions


Location/Tianjin Teda Summer Art Festival


將清代著名宮廷畫師-郎世寧的代表作《百駿圖》圖中百匹駿馬賦予新生命,以現代的CG動畫技術重新製作,再現郎世寧當時創作場景。 特別選出具有代表性的八匹駿馬,搭配新媒體科技-擴增實境技術,不僅增加參觀時與畫作互動的樂趣,更讓民眾從中了解乾隆愛駒。


"One Hundred Stallions" is Giuseppe Castiglione’s most famous masterpiece. It depicts one-hundred horses engaged in a variety of activities as they leisurely make their way around the trees in a large pasture. Castiglione was very good at integrating traditional Chinese themes and techniques with Western pigments and perspective, revealing a true meeting between East and West. In this work, he varies the sizes of the horses in this familiar Chinese landscape to add depth. Furthermore, the painting method for the distant mountain rocks is distinctly different from that seen in traditional Chinese brushwork, with layered pigments also visible in the trees. Employing contemporary computer graphics techniques, the horses in the painting come to life, showing audiences the scenario that Giuseppe Castiglione might have imagined when creating this masterpiece.  We also incorporated a new technology —  Augmented Reality — to inform the audience about emperor Quian Long's favorite 8 stallions and enhance their enjoyment while touring of this exhibition.

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